See How Your Giving is Making a Difference
Jesus is building His church, and He is using every one of us. While we’ve accomplished so much together, God is giving us more vision and opportunities than ever before. As we continue to build God’s Kingdom, you have the opportunity to help share the love of Jesus with even more people in our community, our state, our nation, and our world. Our church has three focuses when it comes to our Legacy giving, world missions, local ministries, and Living Hope's projects.



Through our annual Legacy Offering, we have the opportunity to make a lasting impact on each of the Legacy projects. Leading up to Legacy offering on Sunday, May 19th, you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about the Legacy projects on this page and the ways you can make a difference. During this season, we invite you to prayerfully consider how God is leading you to build an enduring legacy through your time and giving.
Active World Missionaries
Danny and Peggy Thornton
Bread of Life
Europe’s Child-Don Chavis
JSC-Ministry to Israel
Active local Ministries
Pregnancy Resource Center
Shiloh Ministries
Bay Area Homeless Shelter
LH Kids Project
Expanding Our Kids Ministry spaces and Check-in
Living Hope is growing, and as we grow, our children's ministry is growing as well! The national average for children's church attendance on a Sunday morning is 20-25% of the total church attendance. At Living Hope, our children's attendance averages between 28-30% of our total attendance. Due to the growth of our church and children's ministry, we are in need of more space, both in our lobby and in our children's area. This year we are focusing on phase 1.
Phase 1 will include: Expanding current check-in, new carpet in all down stairs classrooms, painting, vinyl lettering, larger windows, renovating a room to utilize as a classroom, and more.
Phase 1 will include: Expanding current check-in, new carpet in all down stairs classrooms, painting, vinyl lettering, larger windows, renovating a room to utilize as a classroom, and more.

Lake Livingston Church
Love. Live. Lead.

The local church is the hope of the world! Jesus chooses to use us to spread the message of the gospel. Livingston Texas is a great opportunity for the Lord to move in a powerful way through the local church! This year we are a part of helping re-plant Lake Livingston Church with Toby & Tamlyn Hayman. We are so excited to get to bring hope to a local community that needs a life-giving church. We want you to pray about how you can be involved through giving with your time and finances this year. We have committed 20k to help the church open and 10k has already been given. We want to give you the opportunity to give directly to this church this year and be a part of the love of Jesus coming to this community!